Thursday, January 3, 2008

Jan 3, 2008

Please be kind... This is a self portrait (tying it in with project 365). While I don't think it's terrible, or else I wouldn't post it, I do think it really shows my age. After looking at it I realize I'm not as young as I once was. Shot with 50mm -ISO 100- F8


Tera Fraley said...

I did a similar one for mine, thought it would be fun. Also wanted to do 365 photos for 2008- but dont know that I can committ!

Anonymous said...

Really like all of the light you captured in your eyes - the catchlights make them glow.

Stacey said...

You did a great job!

Debbi said...

Great photo and crop!

Tori said...

nice shot!

Val said...

Aw, none of us are as young as we once were. Your eyes are very pretty and a beautiful blue color. I like the shot!

Sara said...

I am liking the light, and the interesting crop. nice to see you.

Becky said...

I like the way the light is shining on you. (And you don't look old!)

Teri said...

Hi Debby, Thanks for the comment on my blog, I will join in on the potd once I get over my slump, right now I just dont have any motivation to pick up my camera but im slowly getting out of that so I promise I will soon, lol.

April Michelle said...

I like this idea, my picture on my blog is a self portrait I took while in 5 o'clock in Houston. I know I should not have but I had the was take with just a p&s, I need to do one like you with my dslr. Good job!

C said...

I think it's beautiul :)