Friday, January 4, 2008

January 4, 2008

OK, so no hat here. But an interesting story and one of my highlights of the day. I had a lady who works at the French Bakery on mainstreet come in looking for something to bake into a 3 kings day cake. I had not heard of it but I guess it is similar to a King cake they make for Mardi Gras. For Mardi Gras they bake a plastic baby into the cake and whoever get it is king for the day. Well in this case, it is to celebrate the Epiphany and an angel is baked into the pastry. The baker had ordered the angels and had orders for 4 King Day cakes for tomorrow but the shipment didn't arrive so she was scrambling for an alternative.

Well, we didn't have any angels but by chance we happened to have a bag oif the plastic babies left over from last year's Mardi Gras celebration; we don't sell them but had to buy a whole bag to make one silly cake. Anyway- I told the girl to take them, we didn't need them. SHe was thrilled and offered to pay for them but I told her no, the next time you're over this way drop off a pastry or a loaf of french bread and I'll be happy. Well she came about a half an hour later with both- a loaf of bread and a couple of pastries!!!

So after a busy day and no chance to take my daily photo I resorted to taking a picture of the bread. Bon Appetit!


Stacey said...

Yumm I am such a bread freak!

C said...

looks good! bread and picture :)

Margaret said...

Awesome shot! I love the composition and the lighting.

Mom2Drew said...

This is my WEAKNESS!